Monday, October 13, 2008

Cinque Terre

What a perfect picture to start off the perfect trip. So. It italian cinque means 5 and terre means lands. Which is what cinque terre is; 5 lands...or better translated, 5 towns. 

Now to explain the picture. So we were all sitting together in a group of four on the train, but there was no one else in the area so we decided to spread out; however! this guy (shown looking suavely at the camera) asked Vivi if anyone was sitting next to her...Of course Vivi let this modern gentleman, wearing this nice, tight, bollywood style spandex shirt and low jeans, only slightly exposing his sexy hairy belly, sit next to her... He over heard us talking about Barcelona, and from that point on opened up and let us into his realm. He told us about his 4 different jobs, spirituality of life, and only things that you could imagine a fellow like this would be saying. The point is that I couldn't really pay attention because Vivi kept mocking him while he was talking to me and I couldn't keep a straight face. And yes this is another NO you don't have to be there.. it was hilarious

Cinque terre was amazing.. Favorite place so far, and possibly the closest thing I will get to Greece until I convince my non-existent fiance to go there on our honeymoon.  On the left is our dingleberry of a tourguide, Remmington.. Remey for short. First of all awesome name, second of all really fun. In this picture he asked me if I was from Tokyo because of how many cameras I had, so we decided to take a stereotypical japanese photo. So Hitomi.. if you are looking at this.. This ones for you and I miss you!
So fellow Iowa Staters.. look who we found! There are supposedly 10 other Iowa State Students studying in Florence, and we just so happened to be on the same "Florence for Fun" trip. Also please notice how most of them are wearing Iowa State gear.. gee gally (credit back to Remey) such loyal fans.. smiley face

This town was just full of love. The road that you hike on between the towns is called via dell Amore and this was the symbol/logo that was everywhere.
even the graffiti was cute
more cinque T love.. I told you they love hearts. and future husband, if you are reading this right now... remember this place

Town on a rock... also. it was October 14th.. and 80 degrees. 

Postcard number two. 
love from me.
I wish this was my grandpa.

Abbey sporting Remey's saweeet glasses. 

So folks. Cinque Terre. Check.

love hump,


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