Thursday, August 6, 2009

is it love?

I was eating some blueberries today.

realizing that whenever I eat a batch of blueberries, there are probably about 5 that are perfect and the others fall very short of their perfection.

once i find one that tastes exactly the way I want it to and the taste ends, I move onto another one hoping for the same result.

I always go into the search eager, and excited to find another one. But never can you have a container of all perfect blueberries.

once I had a perfect box of blackberries in italy. From then on I was obsessed with blackberries, but I never found another batch quite the same. 

most of the time I will get to the bottom of the container with only the teeny tiny ones remaining, which I know will be very sour just by looking at them. so I throw away the pack. sad. somewhat comparable to the feeling you get when you finish your snack pack.

its usually months before I pick up another thing of blueberries. 

Everytime it is the same.

is it love? 

lesson learned here... if you go looking for something you will only find the sour ones, but if you let them find you then it could be the sweetest one in the batch.

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