Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Its Comical

I Dream of Pocky sticks.

Lookkk at me and my blog and how coool i am!
Let me tell you about my sunday afternoon . . . I have been coming to terms that I may have to spend some quality alone time until I figure out this friend making process. Anyway. So I went to the pool. couldn't figure out how to work the gate, so I said screw it and went to Newport beach. There were some pretty dope dudesz out there, but don't worry I brought my book "7 habits of a effective person" so I was very approachable. 

Then I went home, road my bike and checked out the tennis courts. to find that none of my keys worked there either. too bad because because they were the nicest courts I've ever seen. Probably only let Serena and Venus play on them and require a finger print key entry. 

I ended my day by going to my first movie alone. I saw Little Ashes, which is about the artist Salvador Dahli. It wwas surprisingly not as good as I thought it would be, but maybe its because I had a different plot in mind. Go see it. Then we can have a book club meeting.
So I have a new roommate. HIS name is Jeff, and he is from Cleveland. It is nice because now that he lives in the same room with me not only is he obligated, but forced to befriend me. So we went to the farmers market, surf city night, in Huntington beach. There were these guys, 90% of their act was getting money from people the other 10% was this guy flipping over 5 people. I caught the shot a little too early as you can see. 
I like this flower. 
I'm working on finding the designer of the two pieces above. But I guess spring has sprung in my little iowan mind because it is full of spring worthy colors. I don't necessarily want these items, I am just very appreciative of their colorful beauty.

Assorted Chocolates are my weakness,


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weddings and Graduations

Just posting a few pictures that I forgot to post before....
graduation graduation..... who would remember graduation?
walking to the ceremony. Brent was probably annoyed that I was having him hold my camera, and that I kept asking for it every other second. Oh the woes of being a guy who has pockets.
Of course my graduation post party would not be complete with a out a swing at a PiƱata...   (I had to insert that from the internet so that it would have correct spanish punctuation.)

Below is my mom
A picture of my whole family, minus all of the cousins of course.
My College family.... including clyde and juno, but thats a given, BUT excluding Vivi. I actually have no idea where she is...  so insert here: vivian adams
At Eric's graduation party. It was an hour and a half drive, but by far worth it because there was a surprise kindergarden concert.. I know i know, don't worry there will probably be another one...

my new roommate susie just graduated and she let me take some pictures of her.... 
Her family is awesome/sick/narly (just a mad lib choice for you).. they took me to sushi the night before
Also my sister got married the weekend before I moved out here and I forgot to post pictures of it. Of course I took a million pictures but here are a few to highlight the evening.. even if they aren't very good
I really do like this one though for some reason
The set up

Keep it real New York


Saturday, June 13, 2009

San Di Leggo my Eggo

Internship adventure blog #2: Sunday, June 7th...

Dear Diary,

Today I made a rash decision to go to San Diego and visit my dear Oklahoman friend Rendon. To start of the visit, I got beat in one hole minature golf twice ... afterwards we headed to the beach area, and wandered around.. here is the result
Entrance to the pier that only hotel guests were allowed to go on because the hotel was on the pier. We'll see whos laughing when the pier is washed away in the middle of the night.
Thanks to Rendons magical finger measuring rule we caught the sun right before it went down.. ha ha ha only he gets that... lets just say I won the bet and the sun took more than the 15 minutes he though it would to set. 
More sunset pictures
Probably in deep thought about the shells that were lost at the last beach.

Probably in deep thought about the new california tourist towel he bought. ha ha ha

I'll post pictures of the postcards we bought later. Nice. Also I forgot my driver's license and credit card so Rendon had to overnight them to me. 

GOod Trip. 

talk to you soon diary, and please send me some friends so that I can live a long sociable heart friendly life 

ARR we D.A.R.E yet?

So as "all of you" know ... I moved to SO CAL this summer for my internship at Obey. . . And Hannah Escorted me on my journey... 
Hannah slept the whole time and did not help me with the driving at all. stupid slut. 

So we started in Iowa, obviously, and left around 4pmish. And of course our tour wouldn't be complete without a stop in the great state of Nebraska to visit the Gerken family and wispy locks mike.

Best quote of the night:  Hannah:   did he get a phone call ( talking about the joke about kevin's dog going to jail)
Second Stop: George town, Colorado.... I would also like to mention that I almost killed hannah and I on at least 3 different occasions.  The first I dont remember, but thats not surprising... or maybe it was just that traumatizing .. think about it... anyway.. second time I actually wasn't asleep but somehow I hit something that I never saw... I still think it was a deer, hannah thinks it was a small critter. but she slept the whole way so what does she know... third occasion... the pull of the platte river started to sway us its way, but my masterful driving skills saved the day.. like usual of course

Another side story: we wanted to take a "group photo" (love the quotes in this blog I guess)... so we set the camera on top of the car BUT it wasn't high enough, so we took our only pillow and set the camera on top of it and then on top of the car... picture was done, check, so we decided to explore the town.. Mean while we look to our left and notice that some fire men are pointing and chit chatting about us.. lonely folk probably don't see many people in their town.. Nope.. we were driving off with the pillow on top of our car.  joke was clearly on us. later we realized it and luckily found it on the side of the road.. filthy, but not dirty dirty rich. (lady ga ga pun for all you turtles)
Detour to "Hole in the Rock" Utah.. I really thought Utah would be a waste of time, but actually it was probably my favorite state to drive through... granted I didn't see Nebraska because it was dark, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now.. 
Overall, hole in the rock, not that cool. We didn't even see the hole in the rock because we didn't want to pay the $3 tour fee. Instead we bought native american bead headbands. I know you are all proud.
We stopped at every border... and skipped it.. thats right.. check out the videos at the bottom.. or my youtube website if you want to see us skip it around the western part of the U.S.. parts of it anyway

also at this particular site, hannah set her sunglasses on the front of the car... needless to say, we drove off with them there and now they are in the mixup of arizona and utah... dun dun dunnn
I'm not sure where this picture is.. but i like it..

Before I get to the next stop, let me tell you why there aren't any Grand Canyon Pictures... well we attempted to go to the Grand Canyon and it was our final destination for day 2, but my lovely GPS Irene got a little confused. She led us down a ridiculous gravel road (not small iowa gravel, but large arizona rock gravel) by which we traveled on for a hour.. passing several cows via the nature tour....... and once we got to the turning point on the gps it was a road that didn't exist.. of course we didn't want to waste that hour we just spent on the gravel road, so we kept going for probably another 45 minutes before we were so frustrated and on the verge of killing each other that we decided to turn around. 

After we finally got off the nature tour that Irene took us on, we decided to make a second attempt and take the other path which was paved. Surprisingly this road did lead to the grand canyon, but unfortunately by the time we got there it was too dark to see anything or take any pictures... awesome awesome smile smile

The kicker is that after we got to the grand canyon and didn't see it, we had to drive 3 hours to our hotel after a 20 hour drive through what seemed to be somewhere out of the Hills have eyes... draw your own mental picture
So after the Grand Canyon flop we woke up after a wonderful stay at the Days Inn, exactly an hour too late for the complementary breakfast. Side note: our hotel was 45 minutes from a different entrance up to the grand canyon.. yipeee

Anyway, on a more positive note, Irene did lead us successfully to Montezuma's castle, which was pretty cool but at this point we were pretty disappointed by not have been able to see the grandest canyon in the world (or U.S at least)
The Hoover Dam was my favorite tourist attraction spot. It was amazing. The end. Wait. We took the Dam tour. It was $11. I was picturing some sort of scene out of Las Vegas Vacation. .. but the dam guide was actually very comical and i might say clever... 
Here i am looking serene 
After the dam we headed off to Las Vegas. We stayed at the stratosphere hotel for only $30.. yes $30. I am still impressed with that. The picture above is one of my favorites. 
Once we got into our hotel room we immediately noticed how cool we looked and of course had to take a myspace worthy shot.
There are many talented photographers in Las Vegas. Most of them are mustache wearing men who just want some girls to go get drunk with them, and their best pick up line is that they can make any picture work (after they see me trying to take a picture with my casio, attempting to hold it perfectly still so that its not blurry and then say that they can work with anything. After I tell them okay but there can't be a flash because then it won't work, but then they ask after they take the picture why there was no flash.. ahhh hilarious)  anyway so this picture was taken by one of those fellows, and I actually really like it even though he seemed pretty unhappy about his proof of skills at this point
New York Hotel
After our 3 day road trip we finally made it to Southern California. Once we made a quick stop at my apartment, we immediately headed for Huntington Pier.. 

So those were the ins and outs of our trips. I hope you enjoyed it. I also hope that you appreciate that I didn't put up as many pictures this time (even if there are still a lot)  because I had to cut a lot of winners.

On to the next blog

Dwarfin out: m c k